2017년 6월 28일 수요일

Shadow Writing

Shadow Writing is useful for reviewing and motivating.
Procedures are below.

 How to do ‘Shadow Writing’

1. It is a pair work.
2. Look at the pictures and draw circles on the words that explain what he/she is doing.
3. Write present progressive sentences using words on the picture.
4. Take turns when you write.

Mannequin quiz

Mannequin quiz is useful for reviewing and motivating.
Procedures are below.

 How to do ‘Mannequin Quiz’
1. A volunteer comes to the front.
2. The volunteer will see a picture on the phone, and freeze like a mannequin.
3. Guess what the mannequin is doing. “He/She is ____________ing.”
4. Everybody asks a question; “What are you doing?.”
5. Mannequin answers; “I’m ______________.”


2017년 5월 23일 화요일

Dictionary Quiz

English definition can be helpful for reviewing some new words.

  1. Choose a word.
  2. Find definition by clicking here http://www.dictionary.com/ and type the word.
  3. Put the definition here on Amazone Polly( https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/polly/home/SynthesizeSpeech) and choose options of voice.
  4. Download the mp3 file and add it to the presentation file.

<Sequence of questions>
-What did you hear?
-Let’s see the sentence.
-Let’s read it.
-Are there any difficult words?
-Who knows the answers? Just raise your hands.
-How many letters are there? Use your fingers to show me how many letters.
-What’s the answer?-Let’s read aloud the definition again.